Submit your solution

Moppay acknowledges extension/plugin developers and platform creators by listing your solution on the Moppay website.

Reach the 1,000s of businesses using Moppay by building powerful tools and extensions

If you have developed a Moppay integration for your platform, extension or plugin then we want to showcase your solution on our website.

Who partners with Moppay?

By choosing to partner with us you will be joining the ranks of some of the biggest online platform powerhouses, both in South Africa and globally, who have chosen to integrate with us.

Benefits of partnering with Moppay

Grow your brand and reputation by being recognised by South Africa’s most popular online payment gateway.

  • Get discovered by Moppay merchants

    We have over 65,000 active merchants using our online payment solution. Give them the option of using your solution.

  • PCI Compliance

    Give your users peace of mind that all of their customers’ sensitive banking information will be secure.

  • Reach more customers

    Tap into a rapidly growing ecommerce customer base by partnering with Moppay, who they already know and trust.

  • Technical support

    We have ample developer documentation and an exceptional customer support team to help you.

Submit your plugin and partner with Moppay

If your solution meets all of our integration requirements then please submit it. Once submitted, one of our customer service team members will get in touch.

Integration requirements:

  1. Signature is required in the POST to the payment engine. For a detailed explanation of how to generate a signature, see our documentation on the checkout page.
  2. The product should have a sandbox/test mode in the admin/backend in order for the integration to be tested by the merchant. For sandbox credentials, please see our developer documentation, or contact us for our default credentials for recurring billing.
  3. The ITN callback must do the following security checks:
    • Verify that the security signature is valid.
    • Verify that the source IP belongs to Moppay.
    • Verify that the payment amount matches the order amount (unless partial payment is allowed by your product).
  4. Verify that the data received is valid.
  5. The merchant needs the option to add a passphrase on the page of your module where the configuration is set up.